Cold noodle for a hot day !
It was a beautiful hot day today. Played tennis while my son was attending Japanese Saturday School, came home feeling tired and hot, just felt like light and cool dinner, so made cold somen noodle for dinner. Very nice, I got a bit of summer feeling 😊

BUTA SHABU SOMEN - thinly sliced pork, somen noodle, lettuce, tomato, creamy soya-sesame sauce, squeezed lemon, dried sea-weed.
CHUKA HIYAYAKKO - silken tofu, cucumber, Szechuan pickles, sesame, soya dashi-stock, sesame oil, chilli oil, dried bonito shavings.
KOREAN KIMUCHI - pre-made...
*Buta Shabu - boiled pork, Chuka -Chinese, Hiyayakko - cold tofu